Monday, November 17, 2014

The Mystery

The Mystery. that's how I like to put it. It's my guess there is something more to life than we normally perceive. I think that because of what I have experienced, and experience today. There is another dimension from our usual, mundane perception that we take for reality. It's a Mystery, in that, it's generally obscured. We have to exercise some effort in order to ferret out the truth.

You can experience it the same as me. Meditation is a good beginning. Do a little reading of the mystics. Meister Eckhardt, Rumi, Hildegard of Bingham and Theresa of Avila, Krishnamurti,  and even Eckhart Tolle. Most importantly, get in touch with what is inside of you. We all have it in common, yet few are aware of this part of ourselves, a part that makes us truly human, and a spiritual being.

From Mystery, comes the word mystic. It is the mystics that are aware of the spiritual realm, the spirituality of every religion. It has never ceased to be an important revelation to me, that the mystics of their respective religions had more in common with each other, than the mystics of the various religions had with the fundamentalists of their respective religions. It has always been the fundamentalists of all religions that sanctioned and sanctified the most atrocious acts, like war and oppression, in all of history. I encourage all, individually, to pursue the spiritual, to seek to become aware of the Spirit in every moment, and the Truth, the Reality, inherent in every moment.

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