Friday, November 14, 2014

My eComment to FERC in opposition to Sabal Trail

As a citizen of Lowndes County, Georgia, I am opposed to the Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s plan to run a thirty six inch gas pipeline, with a billion cubic feet per day capacity, through my county.

I am opposed to the construction of the pipeline for a number of reasons. The two main ones are:

1.      Over the last year, I have been to numerous meetings and have spoken to scores of people in several counties and two states. All of the people that I have seen and heard are unanimous in their opposition to the pipeline. Never once have I met a local citizen who spoke in favor of having the pipeline. Now these citizen’s governments are hearing their constituents and are passing resolutions and ordinances in opposition to the pipeline, including the Dougherty County (GA) County Commission, the Albany, GA, city council, and the Hamilton County (FL) County Commission. There may be others, and there appear to be others that will follow suit.

In other words, the apparent unanimous desire of the public is to say No to this pipeline. The people’s voice should be heard loudly and clearly.

2.      This whole thing started with Florida Power & Light (FPL) saying it needs the gas to produce electricity in Florida. The data I have seen calls this need into question. Even if Floridians have a need for this electricity, FPL could easily produce that amount via solar on a fraction of the acreage Sabal Trail is wanting to take from the landowners.

In other words, the gas is not needed. There is no need for this pipeline.

Given these, and scores of other reasons written by hundreds of others to FERC, I ask you deny Sabal Trail the permit for this pipeline.

Thank you,

James Parker

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