Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare Passes in the House

Healthcare reform has passed the House 219-210. Thirty four Democrats voted against the bill. Two Republicans voted against the bill, and NOT ONE voted for it, yet they blame the Democrats for the lack of bipartisanship. Damn hypocrites all! Not one Republican ever wanted to change the way things are - they are quite down with it. It's what makes them conservative and protectors of the status quo and the powers that be. Most of them owe a LOT of campaign funds to the health care industry. Most of them probably have health care stocks in their portfolios and they are making their profits and capital gains from it. How many will leave Congress and go on to lucrative jobs in the "private sector," getting their reward?

Coming Back

It's been six months since my last post. I've had to figure out just what kind of voice I would have. Not so sure. but I wanted to liveblog this so-called debate in the House regarding healthcare. The Republicans are shameless liars or cult members. They are bought and sold by their corporate overlords and yet posture themselves as if they are so patriotically righteous and concerned with the Republic. Maybe some of them truly believe what they are saying, but in that they are like cult members spouting platitudes from their faith. IMHO that cult is the cult of Mammon.