Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Die Hard Democrat

Ok, I'll admit, I am a die hard Democrat. I can never see myself voting for a Republican, because I don't believe in what they stand for and promote. I may not agree with the Democrat, like what Obama's doing with the TPP, but they're always, on the whole, a far cry better than what the Republican espouses.

The country is way worse than it was when I was growing up, and it started with Reagan. The forces that trashed this fair country for the last thirty five or forty years, backed, and were empowered by Reagan. I will never forget that after twenty of twenty eight years of being ruled by Republican administrations, we had the greatest economic calamity since the great depression, and that so-called fiscally responsible Republicans, for the second time, ran up enormous deficits. Their total economic viewpoint was shown to be absolute trash.

Reagan campaigned on balancing the budget, yet ran up the greatest debt, for every year of his administration, in the history of the country, which continued under Poppy Bush (HW). Clinton turned this totally around and was running surpluses by the end of his tenure, with a plan to pay off the debt by 2010. Poppy's boy, W, said we didn't need no surpluses, totally reversing the budget by his policies, and running a trillion dollar deficit by 2008, the year of the greatest crash since the Great Depression. Any Republican that denies this fact, and there are many, should be called out for their lying tongues, never to be believed again, and consigned to oblivion.

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