Monday, July 13, 2009

Connecting Some Dots

About two or three weeks ago an article came out in the Rolling Stone that had those "far lefties" talking, and not much anyone else, especially the MSM and right wing blather machine - no, not a peep out of them about it. He pegs Goldman Sachs as primary contributor to all the latest bubbles and bursts, and on back to the Crash of '29. I think the piece talks about the extent of Goldman Sachs "alumni" that have gone on to various high level government or other bank positions, like former Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, the man that worked out that seven hundred billion dollar bailout banks got from the government last fall. Quite a lot of that money found its way into GS coffers, not just directly, but also through the billions that went to AIG.

Now, check this out: The FBI arrested this russian guy that was a computer programmer at GS. It seems this russian guy downloaded some very proprietary software that GS was using. The money quote comes from Assistant US Attorney Joseph Fracciponti to a federal magistrate judge:

The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways.

I'm sorry. What did he just say?

The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways.

Let me see if I have this right: Goldman Sachs has the FBI arest this russian guy, Sergey, for downloading some software of theirs that can "manipulate markets in unfair ways". Yeah, really, you sure wouldn't want someone else out there that could "manipulate markets in unfair ways". Hell, they just might "manipulate markets in unfair ways". No siree. That ole software that can "manipulate markets in unfair ways" needs to stay right there at Goldman Sachs. Because Goldman Sachs people are honorable people that would never think to "manipulate markets in unfair ways", would they?

Hmmm, as Lewis Black might say, "ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME?"

In related news,

The Federal Reserve warned on Thursday that a growing congressional threat to curtail its independence would destabilise markets and raise the cost of servicing US debt for current and future generations”.

This is about Ron Paul's legislation to audit the Fed, but, excuse me, did the Fed just threaten our grandchildren? ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME? Goddamned banksters threatening the government and the citizens of the United States? And nothing subtle about it, like frikkin' mafioso. I'll bet this doesn't percolate up into the MSM.

The SHTF* warning level has been raised to orange, contingeny planning is warranted.

Peace and good luck.

*SHTF = Sh*t Hits The Fan

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