You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. 28In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. (Matthew 7:27-28)I won't even give them credit for being beautiful on the outside. Anyone with a lick of discernment can see the darkness of these folk. They posture themselves as defenders of the "pre-born" when they couldn't give a rat's ass about the baby. Just ask them, can we get prenatal care for the fetus? can we ensure the mother has a good place to live and raise the child? can we make sure she has an good diet? can she get proper medical care? They're answers: no, no, no, and hell no.
But even before we get to that, just what business is it of their's? What is their skin in the game that they can demand anything? Bottom line is they think it gets them brownie points with God. These people no more know God than Osama bin Laden.
Check out this American Taleban, Lou Engle, praying over The Huckster, Mike Huckabee, and twice admitted adulterer, three time married, recently converted to Catholicism, Newt Gingrich (who obviously hasn't reached the part in the catechism where he learns one of the seven deadly sins (the kind that get you sent to hell) is gluttony, not to mention pride and avarice, let alone greed; oh dear Newt, study hard). This was at some kind of Xtian rally.
Did you catch where Engle calls for acts of Christian martyrdom? What he means is that people like Scott "The Executioner" Roeder are actually martyrs for Jesus. In other words, he's calling for more acts of the like of Roeder. More people shoot more doctors, and you go down as a martyr for the cause of Christ, they say. Roeder admits that there are others like him. What's particularly creepy is that most of the audience seems to be young people. I don't think Engle's going to do the deed himself, but he says somebody should.
This is no different than what Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, or Islamic Jihad or any other lameass terrorist group does. Having failed in the court of public opinion they now turn to force. They have the audacity to cloak themselves as some martyrs to the faith while they kill. All the while Engle is out there inciting them on. People of God, Army of God? Puh-lease.
These people are Xtian terrorists. They are utterly dangerous. And Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich are pallin' around with them.
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