Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its a New Dawn.

This was going up last night when we had a power outage for a few hours and I went to bed.

Never in my life have I seen such a thing. The whole world is rejoicing over the election of an American president. They were dancing in the streets around the globe, not to mention all over this country: two hundred thousand in Chicago, thousands in Times Square, Harlem, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Oakland and hundreds of other localities from coast-to-coast. They came out in a spontaneous public display of collective joy honking horns, whooping, or chanting, “O-ba-ma”, or just all around having a street party. It was like New Year’s Eve. Again, over the election of a president.

It is an incredibly profound event for the African-American community, and it is going to have a tremendous affect on society as a whole.


1 comment:

Nat said...

How is it going with your senatorial runoff?