Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It's Been a While. A Lot Has Happened.

Day after day after day, we are constantly bombarded by some outrage created by our President, Donald Trump. While a sizable portion of our countrymen are enamored with the reality TV star, the majority of our country looks on in horror. While we get focused on Trump's latest shiny thing, his cabinet and his congress go about looting our nation and its people. Distracted by his nonsense we don't notice the worst policies ever visited of the government upon it's people are being perpetrated, with most people being totally oblivious to that fact. 

Those of us who have been watching this develop over the last thirty or forty years have a hard time not saying, "We've been trying to tell you!" But now, the past is the past and it cannot be changed. What we have is the present, and it's up to us here and now. Seriously, dear reader, after living so long and watching how things went, these are pivotal times. Under the crassness and vulgarity that is the Trump brand, there's a real darkness of those that enabled the man to become president. 

The only opposition that can be made to this madman is though the ballot box. For the sake of the republic, we must vote Democratic this fall. The Republican Party is totally in thrall to the American oligarchs. If we participate in primaries, we can determine what kind of Democrat we get. Then, we must always vote for all Democratic candidates to even think of electorally deposing this caste. 

Activate, organize, work, canvas, phone bank, drive voters to the polls come November. First you vote, and then get every other voter you can. Make it a game. How many can you get to the polls to have a Democratic victory against the oligarchs, the real elite? That's the mission. That's our purpose for the next four months. How about you? Can you give a few hours of your time over the next four months to have a chance of fighting back?

I'm trying to appeal to our higher angels. If we want a miracle we have to do our part to bring it about. If we want the miracle of a Democratic wave and victory, then we have to do everything in our ability to bring it about. Let me suggest first hooking up with your local county Democratic Party. If there isn't one in your county, try organizing one. Contact the nearest county party and I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help you out, or even get help from the state party. Start with whatever you have and work to build from there. It can be done, but it does take work. 

I see this as our civic duty. As privileged participants in our society and government, we have an obligation to pay attention and participate in the democratic process of democratic-republic that is our form of government. We probably should be doing a better job of instilling in our young people this responsibility of civic obligation, to pay attention politically, and prepare to be a full citizen to participate in our self-rule. 

So that's what I have tonight. It's been a while since I was here. This was my best outlet tonight, and I hope on the days to come. Here, you'll get the real me. An old white guy, recipient of Social Security and Medicare, but still have to work a part time job, because that's all they'll give me, and it's to only way I've been able to make $15-20/hr since I moved here near twenty years ago, and I need to make ends meet on a monthly basis. If you'd like, I could lay out for you how the middle class got hollowed out by the 1%. Economic war was waged on the middle class by the ultra rich, and the rich have decimated the middle class. Want to see what economic warfare looks like? Look at Detroit, my hometown.

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