Where do we get our news, information and/or opinion? Is it not from multi-millionaires speaking from multi-billion dollar corporate microphones? Are they representing our interests and reporting to us information that is to our advantage?
The right wing blowhards would have us believe that the media is dominated by a liberal worldview. As a proud liberal, I don't know what they are talking about. The country has always been predominantly conservative. It seems to me the highest point of liberalism was in the sixties. Since then, we have had an extreme move to what is commonly called the right. It began unabated with the election of Richard Nixon in 1968, even though old Tricky Dick would be considered a flaming liberal by today's standards.
On top of that, the news is brought to us primarily by corporate controlled media. The sole function of corporate anything, let alone corporate media, is to make money. It is not to bring us news to keep the citizens of this country informed. The business model of all media is based in selling advertising. That's where their money comes from. Everything they then do is designed to attract an audience to bring in the cash. That is the media Prime Directive. It is not to inform us, but to attract our attention long enough to sell us something. Do you really think any sort of thought would be tolerated that shook that money tree?
Thank God or our lucky stars we still have the internet, at least for a little while longer. It's a given there is much misinformation and disinformation, but if one learns how to sift through the bs there is good information out there that cannot be gotten any other way, at least as quickly. There is solid information out there but it is not getting channeled to the citizens of this so they can make informed decisions. The question then becomes how to get this information to the people.
It's my belief that local, small scale media is the solution. David didn't bring down Goliath fighting on Goliath's terms and turf.
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