We don't have much in the way of health care in the US. What we have mostly is sick care. Most of us only use the medical system because we need it because something has gone wrong. If it is health care, where is the care, the outgoing concern from health care providers, to keep us healthy?
I got really pissed at the doctor I was going to for a few years. It became obvious that he didn't give a damn about me, would come buzzing through checking the stats out and try to be out in five minutes, for which he charged my insurance a hundred sixty five dollars, or me sixty five when I lost the insurance. The practice actually dropped me when I was struggling financially. People have a hard time believing me when I say I got fired by my doctor.
There's something very wrong in making a fortune off of other people's misery and sickness. It's totally parasitic. I don't have a problem with a doctor making good money. It takes a lot of smarts and hard work to do it. But I do take issue with someone who is only in it for how much they can gouge out of you. The leaders in this category are the health insurance companies.
The health insurance companies are parasites. They produce nothing. They are leaches and vampires - maggots. They feed off of sickness and death. They are not in existence to provide health care. They exist to make money, and pay their CEOs huge amounts of compensation. We don't need them. All we need to do is turn the entire country and population into one large insurance pool administered by a federal agency that answers to the voters.
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