Monday, June 22, 2009


Biznezz: After the fall of communism in Russia, that's a term that grew up among the oligarchs and mafia describing in what they were now engaging. It carried more than a hint of corruption, something dark that wears the cloak of respectable business. That's what business has become in America. I don't know if it ever was anything else, but it certainly is now. Business has insinuated itself into areas that it has no business, and I've seen over my lifetime what I like to refer to as the businessization of America, but biznezz will do.

For example, the health insurance industry, or health payment industry, and all those thieving CEOs, can just go away. The bastards make a fortune and live the very high life by denying medical payment, and thus medical care, that can often lead to death, and act like it's some sort of divine right. Screw 'em. We turn everyone in the US into one big insurance pool and join all the other civilized countries in providing health care to all of its citizens.

Lately I've been listening to a podcast called Deconstructing Dinner. It's produced out of Vancouver, but it's entirely applicable to the US. It gives a lot of great information on how things work in the industrial food supply system, and basically how bad it is for us, but certainly makes a few people very rich. At the same time it gives examples of people that are trying to do something about it, taking matters into their own hands to ensure a safe and healthy food supply.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Only Because Its Being Talked About - Healthcare Part I

We don't have much in the way of health care in the US. What we have mostly is sick care. Most of us only use the medical system because we need it because something has gone wrong. If it is health care, where is the care, the outgoing concern from health care providers, to keep us healthy?

I got really pissed at the doctor I was going to for a few years. It became obvious that he didn't give a damn about me, would come buzzing through checking the stats out and try to be out in five minutes, for which he charged my insurance a hundred sixty five dollars, or me sixty five when I lost the insurance. The practice actually dropped me when I was struggling financially. People have a hard time believing me when I say I got fired by my doctor.

There's something very wrong in making a fortune off of other people's misery and sickness. It's totally parasitic. I don't have a problem with a doctor making good money. It takes a lot of smarts and hard work to do it. But I do take issue with someone who is only in it for how much they can gouge out of you. The leaders in this category are the health insurance companies.

The health insurance companies are parasites. They produce nothing. They are leaches and vampires - maggots. They feed off of sickness and death. They are not in existence to provide health care. They exist to make money, and pay their CEOs huge amounts of compensation. We don't need them. All we need to do is turn the entire country and population into one large insurance pool administered by a federal agency that answers to the voters.

Going Green in Support of Mousavi

Someone thought we ought to go green in support of the protesters and supporters of Mousavi in Iran, so here you are. We'll see how long this lasts.

The large demonstrations against the obviously fraudulent election returns really put Americans to shame. The best we can do are the hokey "Tea Parties."

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Titanic Has Hit the Iceberg, Think Its Going to Right Itself?

The entire paradigm that has dominated the twentieth century is beginning to collapse here in the good ole USA. Economic systems dependent on growth have maxed out on resources and are beginning to fall apart. What the economy has just experienced is a symptom. Basically, the late twentieth century American economy is crashing on the shoals of history. It's for the best as far as I'm concerned.

There are two factors that are global in nature and absolutely out of our control that dominate the world. The first is Peak Oil, which I've written about before. The civilization that grew out of the industrial revolution, the one that we live in today, requires amounts of energy that are astronomical. This energy is obtained by the burning of fossil fuels: oil, coal, and natural gas. Up until now it's been relatively cheap. It's about to get much more expensive, then much harder to obtain, until finally there's not enough left and it's so hard to get that it's not worth it. The time until then was thought to have been centuries when I was growing up, now it's considered in decades.

It's not just energy that fossil fuels are used for. Look around you right now and become aware of the things that are plastic or synthetic fiber like nylon. That's oil. Most pharmaceuticals are synthesized from oil. Very importantly, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and such are made from fossil fuels. Our entire agricultural system is based in the use of these things on the land. Without them, agriculture as we know it is in a heap of trouble.

The second major force is global climate change brought on by global warming amped up by greehouse gasses such as carbon dioxide. Atmospheric carbon dioxide was about 270 parts per million (ppm) prior to the industrial revolution. The say 350 ppm is a serious point. We now stand at 386 ppm.

It's not as if this is going to happen tomorrow, although I am concerned about the overall economy in the months to come, but I'm thinking that we need to be checking out the lifeboats.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

These Xtians Are Not Only Crazy, Now They're Getting Dangerous

As a follower of the teachings of Jesus, I resent people like this Scott Roeder, and others like Randall Terry and all the other anti-abortion jerks, that posture with that veneer of righteousness. Truly Jesus spoke of this ilk,

You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. 28In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. (Matthew 7:27-28)
I won't even give them credit for being beautiful on the outside. Anyone with a lick of discernment can see the darkness of these folk. They posture themselves as defenders of the "pre-born" when they couldn't give a rat's ass about the baby. Just ask them, can we get prenatal care for the fetus? can we ensure the mother has a good place to live and raise the child? can we make sure she has an good diet? can she get proper medical care? They're answers: no, no, no, and hell no.

But even before we get to that, just what business is it of their's? What is their skin in the game that they can demand anything? Bottom line is they think it gets them brownie points with God. These people no more know God than Osama bin Laden.

Check out this American Taleban, Lou Engle, praying over The Huckster, Mike Huckabee, and twice admitted adulterer, three time married, recently converted to Catholicism, Newt Gingrich (who obviously hasn't reached the part in the catechism where he learns one of the seven deadly sins (the kind that get you sent to hell) is gluttony, not to mention pride and avarice, let alone greed; oh dear Newt, study hard). This was at some kind of Xtian rally.

Did you catch where Engle calls for acts of Christian martyrdom? What he means is that people like Scott "The Executioner" Roeder are actually martyrs for Jesus. In other words, he's calling for more acts of the like of Roeder. More people shoot more doctors, and you go down as a martyr for the cause of Christ, they say. Roeder admits that there are others like him. What's particularly creepy is that most of the audience seems to be young people. I don't think Engle's going to do the deed himself, but he says somebody should.

This is no different than what Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, or Islamic Jihad or any other lameass terrorist group does. Having failed in the court of public opinion they now turn to force. They have the audacity to cloak themselves as some martyrs to the faith while they kill. All the while Engle is out there inciting them on. People of God, Army of God? Puh-lease.

These people are Xtian terrorists. They are utterly dangerous. And Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich are pallin' around with them.
