Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alley Garden Update

Well it continues to be a fun time with our gardens. I now have two patches for veggies. We’ve eaten red potatoes, broccoli, ichiban eggplant, green pepper, green beans, jalapeno peppers, collard greens, tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from our own garden so far this year.

It’s not like it has come in any great quantity, although the potato salad at a recent family gathering was made with potatoes fresh out of the earth. The tomatoes actually have a taste to them! And it’s delicious! Honestly, every bit of it is better than store bought.

This is my tomato bed. You can see them staked up. Those beautiful squash plants with the big green leaves and yellow flowers unfortunately all got diseased and died. We think it was powdery mildew that got to them. Everyone we know that had been growing squash all got it and died. The lighter green in the foreground are green bean plants.

This is from a Rose of Sharon that got totally diseased a couple of years ago and we completely cut it back. It came back. Isn’t that a beautiful bloom?

The view out the back door onto the carport/patio.

It simply pleases me to have these gardens, and this has really surprised me - just how much pleasure I've gotten from doing this. I never thought of it that much before, but there is something to it. It helps one to get a better perspective on the world. It moves one out of the programmed industrial city culture and into the energetic, vital, natural world that our genetic blueprint grew out of. I encourage everyone to have something growing. It doesn’t have to be big, just something that grows and needs to be taken care of.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss having a garden. Thank you for posting this and for the photos. It does my heart good to see them. I love growing gardens.