The potato plants now cover the mound with big, strong, green leaved plants. The broccoli, red cabbage and collards have gotten hold and are beginning to grow. It's like I can see how healthy and full of vitality they are. As soon as the moon gets to the right phase (I think it's into first quarter), we'll plant peppers, tomatoes, squash, spinach and whatever else strikes our fancy. I'd also like to plant berry bushes. I think blueberry and blackberry grow well around here.
I am so excited about it! Like I said, it's the first time I'm doing something like this. I've been around gardens, but other people tended them. My grandmother had a beautiful garden. I spent a summer on a farm outside of Elizabethtown, Kentucky where I learned what real yellow squash tasted like right out of the garden. It was delicious. That's where we had farmers coming from all around the area to see our fifteen foot corn. They'd ask how we got our corn to grow so tall and we told them we just prayed over it. Then they'd ask us to come pray over their corn. It was around then that I ate fresh spinach for the first time which I enjoyed so much. You see, I was brought up in a very modern home. I guess my folks figured canned veggies were as good as any, although they did some frozen (I was revolted by the frozen mixed veggies for some reason - I'd near vomit trying to eat them). Most all veggies were seriously cooked, it seemed. It was as a became an adult that I learned it was better to stay as close to raw as possible.
This is the first time I'm tending my own garden. Don't get the idea I'm doing this on my own, that would be impossible. My good friend lives next door, and he knows all about this stuff. It's just that I'm tuning into Life - real Life. I can feel, see and sense the vital spirit in it all like I never before have, and it's wonderful! Try it. You might like it.
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