“You have people who had extraordinary opportunities in the most open society in the world who explain how they’re victimized and government should take care of them. It’s the heart of the Obama majority, people who would like someone to take care of them.”
Raw Story (http://s.tt/1oeGq)
This, from one of the greatest con men of all time. He was actually able to rise to Speaker of the House of Representatives before it was found out how corrupt he was, after which he was hounded out of office - he'll say resigned and didn't run again.
Hey Newt! Here's a concept I'd like for you to wrap your head around: The problem is not that we aren't smart enough, or skilled enough, the problem is that the jobs aren't there. You Republicans always side with management, I understand, that's who finances your campaigns. But just Fuck You if you think we want to be dependent and not profitably exercise our talents and skills. That is just some arrogant bullshit reminiscent of the English and French aristocracy or the American Robber Barons. It's not what I get from our founding fathers.